
Phones, Tablets, & Smartwatches

Discover Ultimate Eye Comfortable Vision Pro and Eye Drops

VR eye discomfort

With the rising popularity of virtual reality (VR) technology, concerns regarding VR eye discomfort have become increasingly prevalent. Many users of VR devices report experiencing VR eye discomfort, raising questions about the long-term effects of prolonged usage. Experiencing discomfort while using virtual reality (VR) headsets, commonly known as VR eye discomfort, is a prevalent issue […]

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Brain AI: App-Free Smartphone Vision

Brain AI: App-Free Smartphone Vision

Brain AI introduces a groundbreaking smartphone designed to simplify digital usage by responding to voice commands, eliminating the reliance on apps. Brain Technologies, established in 2015 with a focus on AI interface development, unveiled a pioneering smartphone at Mobile World Congress. This innovative device operates without traditional apps, powered solely by generative AI for its

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