
12 Top Vegetable Varieties to Grow Now

Discover creative indoor vegetable varieties options for growing vegetables at home. Spinach, green beans, scallions, and others thrive indoors. Additionally, explore the best options for your indoor vegetable varieties at Baharlivings.

Don’t let the approaching winter deter you from enjoying homegrown veggies. Utilize a sunny window to establish indoor vegetable varieties, ensuring a fresh supply for your salads. With rising supermarket prices, the savings from growing your produce will outweigh the effort required.

Furthermore, when it comes to containers, opt for ones with proper drainage, which can include almost any vessel. For indoor plants, choose a potting mix tailored for indoor growth. Moreover, remember to adjust your watering routine for indoor plants, as it differs from outdoor watering. Simply sow your preferred seeds and watch your garden flourish.

Indoor Vegetable Varieties: Tips for Successful Gardening


Scallions and green onions share similarities, originating from the onion family and are easy to cultivate. When purchasing from the store, retain about an inch of the white scallion with the roots intact. Place these ends in a jar with water, ensuring only the roots are submerged. The greens will regrow, even when placed on a countertop.

Additionally, once the greens reach a few inches in height, transfer them to a container with moist potting mix for continued growth. Harvest by cutting at the root line, allowing for regrowth. With adequate light and compact varieties, you can establish a thriving indoor vegetable varieties, extending your harvest beyond the outdoor season.


For successful indoor lettuce growing, ensure ample sunlight, preferably in a south-facing window. Opt for loose-leaf or baby-leaf varieties that don’t require large heads. Use well-draining containers filled with moistened indoor potting mix. Scatter seeds evenly, leaving an inch of space between them. Don’t worry about overseeding, as excess seedlings can be thinned and added to salads later.

Moreover, keep the soil moist by spritzing it with water and place the container in a spot with at least five hours of sunlight daily. Be cautious of intense summer heat, as lettuces prefer bright yet cool conditions. If stretching occurs, consider supplementing with grow lights. Harvest by clipping outside leaves when they reach several inches in length and preserve freshness with a suitable lettuce keeper.


For indoor growers, radishes are a delightful choice as every part of the plant is edible. Enjoy the greens raw or cooked, while the bulb adds flavor to salads and various dishes. Opt for a sunny window providing six to eight hours of sunlight daily, or utilize a grow light for at least 12 hours. Select a container at least 6 inches deep and wide enough to allow radish development. Fill it with a moist potting mix and scatter radish seeds evenly across the surface. Cover with a shallow layer of soil, ensuring adequate drainage to prevent disease.

Subsequently, once sprouted, thin the seedlings to one inch apart. Depending on the variety and conditions, radishes can be ready to harvest in about a month or two. When harvesting, gently clear soil around the roots to check their size. Experiment with radish recipes or enjoy them simply with butter and sea salt for a delicious appetizer.

Exploring Indoor Vegetable Varieties: Green Beans

To thrive, green beans require around six hours of direct sunlight or equivalent grow-light exposure. Opt for bush beans over pole beans for easier maintenance, and select self-pollinating seeds for convenience. Choose a larger pot with proper drainage to accommodate sufficient bean production. Space beans at least two inches apart in moist potting mix, planting two seeds per hole. Remove the weaker sprout if both seeds germinate.

Additionally, rotate the pot weekly for uniform sun exposure. After flowering and fruiting, ensure to harvest all beans to prolong the plant’s lifespan. For abundant yields, consider making pickled green beans, a delicious addition to cocktails, or enjoyed on their own.

Exploring Indoor Vegetable Varieties: Sprouts

Sprouts are a quick-growing addition to indoor gardens, enhancing salads and sandwiches with their unique texture. Ensure cleanliness and use seeds specifically designated for sprouting to avoid health risks.

Whether alfalfa or lentils, sprouting follows consistent guidelines. Place sprouting containers or wide jars in a bright countertop spot away from direct sunlight. Soak seeds in water for up to 12 hours in a dark area to initiate germination; then transfer them to the growing container. Rinse and drain seeds thoroughly two to three times daily with fresh water. Sprouts typically emerge within three to six days, so start a new batch regularly for a continuous supply.

Exploring Indoor Vegetable Varieties: Garlic

Discover the surprising versatility of garlic in your indoor vegetable varieties. Instead of waiting for bulbs, cultivate flavorful garlic greens from individual cloves. Simply break apart a head of garlic and plant the cloves halfway down in a 6-inch container filled with moist potting mix. Ensure proper drainage and place in a bright spot. Within a week or two, vibrant green shoots will emerge, ready to be clipped when several inches high. This cutting stimulates multiple growth cycles before the bulb is depleted.

Nonetheless, while growing garlic bulbs indoors is possible, it demands extensive planning and patience, including chilling the bulbs for several weeks to simulate winter and a lengthy nine-month wait for harvest.


Spinach thrives indoors thanks to its preference for less intense light, making it perfect for cooler climates. Opt for a wide and deep container with ample drainage, around 6 inches in depth. Fill it with moist indoor growing medium and sow seeds about 1/2 inch deep, ensuring they are spaced at least three inches apart for optimal growth. Place the container in a sunlit window for germination, ideally between 50° and 80°F. If seeds don’t sprout within a week, consider using a heat mat to stimulate growth.

Keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering and refrain from wetting the leaves. Baby spinach leaves can be harvested at any time, focusing on outer leaves first, while mature plants typically have six leaves. Spinach is not only incredibly nutritious but also versatile. Enjoy it sautéed, wilted into soups and stews, or blended into delicious spinach pesto for a variety of culinary delights.


Have you ever thought about growing peas indoors? These nutritious vegetables are packed with health benefits and can be a fun addition to your indoor garden. While you may not have space for a large harvest, pea shoots are edible and add a tasty touch to salads and other dishes.

Most pea varieties will flower and produce fruit independently, but it’s always a good idea to check the seed packet for specific instructions. You can plant multiple seeds in a larger pot or just one or two in a smaller container. Simply push the pea seeds about half an inch into moist potting mix and place them in an area with at least eight hours of direct sunlight.

If natural light is limited, consider using grow lights to supplement. Providing a trellis for support can help with airflow, but pea shoots can also trail downward. Harvest the greens as needed or wait for the pods to develop for a delicious treat.


Microgreens pack a powerful punch in a small package, offering the essence of larger plants like broccoli and kale in miniature form. With a bit of care, they can yield plenty of fresh produce for your salads.

To start your microgreen garden, opt for shallow trays and organic potting mix, ensuring all equipment is sterilized to prevent bacterial growth. While any seeds can technically be used, it’s best to choose varieties specifically labeled for microgreens to guarantee success and safety.

Begin by soaking seeds overnight, then scatter them evenly over a damp potting mix and cover with a thin layer. Some setups include a cover to aid germination. If natural light results in slow growth, consider using a grow light. Water regularly using a sprayer and monitor soil moisture daily. With proper care, some greens may even regenerate after cutting.

Hot Peppers

If you’re a fan of the fiery kick of jalapeno recipes, why not grow your own at home? Plenty of sunlight and warmth are essential for these spicy peppers to thrive. Consider starting with nursery plants, especially if you lack ample sunlight indoors. Ensure they receive at least six hours of direct sun daily, with bright light for the remainder of the day.

If your peppers seem sluggish, consider using a heat mat or grow light to supplement their growth. Opt for smaller varieties of hot peppers for better success rates. As they grow, transplant them into larger pots, preferably 10 to 12 inches or larger. Water regularly, but avoid overwatering to prevent soggy roots. Be patient, as it may take several months before you see mature fruit.


If you have a sunny south- or east-facing window, growing basil is a breeze. Don’t have a suitable window? No problem! A grow light works just as well. Choose basil varieties that complement the recipes you love—sweet basil or sweet Genovese seeds are popular options.

Prepare your chosen container with a moist potting mix. Sprinkle the basil seeds evenly across the surface and cover them with a thin layer of additional damp soil. While waiting for the seeds to sprout and establish roots, opt for gentle spraying rather than pouring water to avoid disturbing delicate roots. Harvest small basil cuttings for immediate use in soups and salads. For long-term growth, allow the basil to develop several sets of leaves before pruning just above leaf nodes to promote branching and increased production.


Learning how to freeze herbs allows you to capture the essence of summer flavors. Alternatively, you can cultivate seasonal favorites like chives indoors for year-round freshness. Begin by transferring chives from a grower pot to a slightly larger container filled with moist potting mix. Create a depression in the soil to accommodate the root ball, ensuring it sits about half an inch below the container’s rim.

To grow chives from seed, prepare a 6-inch container with a pre-moistened potting mix that offers proper drainage. Sprinkle the seeds evenly across the soil’s surface and cover them with a thin layer of additional damp soil. Discover the top indoor vegetable varieties for your indoor garden at Baharlivings. Place the container in a location receiving six to eight hours of bright sunlight each day. Remember to keep the soil consistently moist, but avoid overwatering. With proper care, chives should begin to sprout within two weeks.

Begin your indoor vegetable garden today and relish the joy of homegrown produce year-round. Our complete guide and expert tips will help you harvest fresh, nutritious vegetables easily from home. Discover the pleasures of indoor gardening and enhance your meals with delicious, homegrown veggies. Happy gardening!

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